Here is a good guideline during the cold/flu season.
Mrs. Fairhart sings a sing to Mrs. Caskey as a thank you for her playing at our Winter Concert --- GREAT JOB!!!
Morton ES Student of the Month assembly going on now
First year band, 4/5th graders with a holiday sampler
4th Grade
Here are our 4th graders with My Favorite Things and Edeleiss
Here our the 3rd graders with Mr. Grinch and Welcome Christmas
Here is or 2nd grade with The Christmas Song and O Christmas Tree
The MWP Pep Band with 2 songs, Jolly Old Saint Nicholas and Hallelujah
Here are our first graders with 2 songs, Rudolf and Holly Jolly Christmas
Our kinder kids did a great job with Frosty The Snowman
Preschool with Jingle Bells, sounds great!
Patty is kicking off the show ...
Winter concert is about to begin!
Our Jr/Sr HS will be taking the NAEP this year, find out more here:
It has been determined there is an error in the grade calculation on report cards sent home for Jr/Sr High Students. We are currently looking into this and will be issuing corrected report cards. Thank you for your patience.
MSD Staff
Enjoyed watching Mrs. Frahm and Brooks lead an engaging AVID meet and greet today. I can not wait to see how AVID helps our kids be more successful.
Local police offices, including Morton, issued letters on immigration to community members to put to rest any concerns, link:
No school Monday to recognize Memorial Day. Stay safe and enjoy Timberwolves.