On November 20th, the Morton School Board was asked to evaluate the MWP athletic cooperative to determine if the district should continue operating athletics in this manner. The process includes the collection of input from various stakeholders. Students, staff, coaches, and community members are asked to share their input for a report, which will be delivered to the board later. In addition to the input from stakeholders, the district office will also share the financial impact of such a decision with the board as part of the same report. Finally, the district is working with the WIAA to determine its athletic classification. Your input through this survey is welcomed, and the results of all the responses will be incorporated into the report that will be shared with the board. Click on the link below to complete this quick survey! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScexOZfj1i59c812AuYaQLMEEiOFZ7PMOVJAGIkp7V6sNRozA/viewform?fbclid=IwAR3cSCkrhoLWADlLJPv4t-NKLanTThLHgYCLljhi5H7nCaiZvuVFkUPLun4
about 1 year ago, Christopher Johnson
There will be boys' and girls' basketball practices today at Morton. White Pass HS does not have school today, however, have approved their students to attend practice at Morton today. Practice for girls will be from 4-6 pm at the Morton HS Gym. Boys' practice will be from 4-6:30 at the Morton Elementary gym. Practice will be held for both JV and Varsity teams for boys and girls. Please contact the high school office if you have any questions.
about 1 year ago, Christopher Johnson
Pictures of Morton's honor roll students for the high school and middle school
about 1 year ago, Christopher Johnson
Morton School District is seeking applications from persons interested in being appointed to committees to write the for/against statements for the Lewis County Local Voters’ Pamphlet related to the District’s Replacement of Expiring Educational Programs and Operation Levy ballot measure to be considered at the February 13, 2024 election. Those interested should send their name, address, phone number and which position they represent to: John Hannah, Superintendent, Morton School District, P.O. Box 1219, Morton, WA 98356 or via email at jhannah@morton.k12.wa.us by November 15, 2023. The Board will take action on the appointments at its November 20, 2023 regular board meeting.
over 1 year ago, Morton School District
There will be a Veterans Assembly on November 7 at 1:15 in the high school gymnasium. All are invited to attend.
over 1 year ago, Christopher Johnson
The Timberwolves (1-7 overall, 0-3 league) will end their regular season on Thursday (October 26) in Randle for Senior Night when they host the Raymond/South Bend Ravens (4-3, 1-2) at 7 p.m.
over 1 year ago, Christopher Johnson
The Morton/White Pass football team (1-6 overall, 0-3 league) will host the Cedar Park Christian Eagles (4-3) in Randle on Saturday afternoon at 2 p.m. for Homecoming. Both Homecoming ceremonies will be at halftime.
over 1 year ago, Christopher Johnson
The Morton/White Pass middle school girls' basketball team will have their first practice on October 17 at 4:45 p.m. in the Morton Elementary gym. Wednesday's practice will also be in Morton, and Thursday and Friday will both be in Randle.
over 1 year ago, Christopher Johnson
The T-Wolves' volleyball team will host the Kalama Chinooks tonight in Randle. The junior varsity will begin at 5:45 p.m. followed by the varsity. The match can been seen at: https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/events/white-pass-high-school-randle-wa/gam50730c1942
over 1 year ago, Christopher Johnson
match point
The Morton/White Pass volleyball team will host Winlock and Hoquiam in Morton tonight. The C-match against Hoquiam begins at 4:30. The junior varsity match against Winlock will begin at approximately 5:45 p.m. followed by the varsity match with Winlock.
over 1 year ago, Christopher Johnson
The Morton/White Pass volleyball team will play in Eatonville against the Cruisers on Monday evening.
over 1 year ago, Christopher Johnson
The 2023 Yearbooks are available for pickup in the high school office.
over 1 year ago, Christopher Johnson
Jr/Sr: Students will be issued Chromebooks for use during this year, or students can use their own devices. Devices are handed out at school on 8/24 and masks are required.
over 4 years ago, Superintendent John Hannah
Jr/Sr: The 1st week of school will be an orientation week for students. Each grade will have a date/time to meet with staff and learn about online learning. https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/856101/08142020_PSA_Orientation_for_Jr_Sr_HS__1_.pdf
over 4 years ago, Superintendent John Hannah
over 4 years ago, Superintendent John Hannah
Morton’s Mock Trial team has competed in the first three rounds of the district tournament in Clark County. The attorneys and witnesses are doing great!
almost 5 years ago, Morton Updates
Great Morton kids showing how kindness starts with them. Proud of our kids and what every student matters and every moment counts looks like.
almost 7 years ago, Principal Josh Stoney
Parents and students, this month shortly will begin our state testing. Look for outcoming information and updates on this as we enter testing season on the state of Washington.
almost 7 years ago, Principal Josh Stoney
End of the third quarter is quickly approaching. Please make sure all your missing work is in for the end of the term.
almost 7 years ago, Principal Josh Stoney
The Morton FFA would like to thank the Wayne Dalton Division of Overhead Door ​Corp. for their generous sponsorship of Morton FFA attending the 2018 State FFA Convention. We appreciate your support!
almost 7 years ago, Morton Jr/Sr High School