MAY 17, 2018
Today’s Lunch: Macaroni & Cheese, Whole Wheat Roll, Fresh Fruit, and Veggies
Friday: Roasted Garlic Pizza Bagel, Fresh Fruit, Veggies,
Sporting events for the week:
Friday: HS Track @ W.F.West High School: District Meet: Athletes dismissed at 2:45, Bus departs at 3 pm. Pole Jump & High Jump competition starts at 4 pm, other field events start at 5 pm, and Running events start at 6 pm. Entry prices will be $7. Adults, $5 senior citizens, and $5 for students with their ASB cards.
Good Luck MWP!
If you missed the high school football meeting on Tuesday, and want to turn out next fall, please make contact with Coach Metcalf for the information you’ve missed.
Sign-up sheets for Athletics for the 2018-2019 school year are now posted on the athletic bulletin board. Any 8th or 11th-grade student interested in playing next school year should sign-up. MWP is looking at the number of athletes interested in uniforms & transportation for next year.
The Morton Medical Center will be providing Sports Physicals on Wednesday, May 23rd after school gets out, for the low price of $10.00 more information to come later as the date approaches.
Are you interested in earning community service hours and being more involved at school? Are you interested in applying your skills to a leadership organization and traveling around the state of Washington? Officer Elections for the Morton FFA Chapter will be held May 29-June 1st. Applications are available now and are due back May 25th. Please see Mrs. Hanger for more information.
FBLA members: Fan Cloth fundraiser orders/payments due on Monday – work on getting those sales.