Students are to follow their class schedule - provided to you this morning, until you have met with Ms. Austin for a class change. Sign-up sheet is located on the office counter.
There is a community service opportunity available to any high school student on Wednesday September 6th from 6-7 PM at the elementary school. For more information please see Ms. Austin.
Sporting events for this week: Friday: HS FB team travels to Mossyrock: Bus departs @ 4:45 pm kick off is at 7 pm
Note: The Monday September 4th HS FB junior varsity game with Mossyrock has been cancelled.
Students are reminded to bring their 2017-2018 ASB cards with them to the game for free entry. (MWP games-free with ASB)
Lunch Menu: Lunch menus available on office counter Today: Sweet Thai Chicken Stir-Fry, Whole Wheat Roll, Fresh Fruit & Veggies Wednesday: Meaty Chili, Cornbread Muffin, Fresh Fruit & Veggies Thursday: Turkey Hot Dog, Fresh Fruit & Veggies
Off campus privileges will not start until next week: All paperwork needs to be signed by your parent/guardian and turned into the office. You will be notified if you receive off campus privileges.
All paperwork handed out today needs to be completed & signed by your parent/guardian. The return box is located on the office counter. ASB cards are available before school, lunch time, and after school. Cost $30.00, all athletes are required to pay “Player Fees” which are $15.00 Please make all checks payable to Morton JR/SR High School.
There will be no school on Friday September 1st or Monday 4th, in observance of Labor Day.
Have a great day!