Morton School District Board of Directors meetings occur on the third Monday of each month. If the third Monday occurs before the 18th of the month or the third Monday occurs on a holiday, the meeting is automatically moved to the fourth Monday.
Board of Directors
Pat Saldana, Board Chair
Director District #4 At-Large - Elected - Director Map
Term: 12/01/2023- 11/30/2027
Clint Scogin, Vice Chair
Director District #5 At-Large - Elected - Director Map
Term: 12/01/2021 - 11/30/2025
Scott Collman
Director District #2 - Appointed - Director Map
Term: 12/01/2022 - 11/30/2025
Sheli Harbaugh
Director District #1 - Elected - Director Map
Term: 12/01/2023- 11/30/2027
Wes Noel
Director District #3 - Appointed - Director Map
Term: 9/23/2024 - 11/30/2024
Vacant director positions, if any, can be found here.
What is the purpose of the board?
From GP1: The purpose of the Board is to see to it that the Morton School District achieves appropriate results for students at an appropriate cost and avoids unacceptable actions and situations (as prohibited in the Board’s Executive Limitations policies).
What is the governing style of the board?
From GP2: The Board will govern with emphasis on organizational vision rather than on interpersonal relationships; encourage diversity in viewpoints; focus on strategic leadership rather than administrative detail; observe clear distinction between Board and Superintendent roles; make collective rather than individual decisions; exhibit future orientation rather than past or present; govern proactively rather reactively; and the Board will be the initiator of policy, not merely a reactor to staff initiatives.
What is the job description of the board?
From GP3: The job of the Board is to represent our community and to lead the district by determining and demanding excellent organizational performance.
What is the role of the board chair?
From GP5: The Chair of the Board ensures the integrity of the Board’s processes and normally serves as the Board’s official spokesperson.
How do board members conduct themselves?
From GP9: The Board commits itself and its members to ethical, businesslike and lawful conduct, including proper use of authority and appropriate decorum when acting as Board members.
What happens if there is a conflict of interest?
From GP11: Public office represents a trust created by the confidence the voters hold in the integrity of local government officials for the common good of the people. It is the expectation of the Board that all Board members operate under the highest ethical standards. For purposes of this policy, a conflict of interest is considered to exist whenever a Board member is or may reasonably appear to be in a position to request or receive, directly or indirectly, anything of value for or on account of his or her influence as a member of the Board of Directors.
How do the board and superintendent work together?
From BSR1: The Board’s sole connection to the operational organization is the Superintendent. Members will refer to the Superintendent or his/her designated representative any compliments, complaints, or criticisms about operational issues so that issues and trends can be addressed and tracked.
From BSR3: The Superintendent is the Board’s only link to the operational organization. All authority over and accountability of staff, as far as the Board is concerned, is considered to be the responsibility of the Superintendent.
From BSR4: The Board will instruct the Superintendent through written policies which prescribe the organizational ends to be achieved and describe organizational situations and actions to be avoided, and will allow the Superintendent to use any reasonable interpretation of those policies.
How does the board act on decisions, items, or actions?
From BSR2: Only decisions of the Board acting as an entity are binding on the Superintendent.